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Varekode: 9783967040593

The Getaways - Vans and Life in the Great Outdoors


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Klikk & Hent
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September 2022
21 x 26 cm
Språk: Engelsk

Beskrivelse fra forlaget

What if you could pull back the curtain to a new view each day? Call the Alps your office? Head off-road into the sweeping sand dunes of the Sahara for a few days of total peace? Dip into the Mediterranean any day of the week? And, as the sun starts to set, return to the comfort of your compact roving home?


This compendium of the world’s most fascinating vans and four- wheeled homes shows that home really is where you park it. Let the creative fit-outs inspire your own van-venture, and join the journey with illustrated maps that take you across snowy mountain passes and along sunny ocean roads. Van life is a movement for all seasons, so throw off the shackles of modern life and join us as we hit the open road.