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Varekode: 9781838690427
Lonely Planet

The Digital Nomad Handbook


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Lonely Planets guidebok for å leve som en digital nomade. Pakk med deg laptopen og ta jobben med deg på reise!

Utgitt: April 2020, engelsk utgave.

Informasjon fra forlaget

Learn how to live and work on the road with the latest addition to Lonely Planet’s Handbook series, a practical guide inspiring and motivating people to achieve their goal of travelling more, starting a whole new way of living and creating a flexible work/life balance.

Divided into two sections, this informative book firstly explains the practicalities of working on the road, such as income generation, career changes, family and relationships, what to do with your ‘stuff’, overcoming common pre-departure fears, keeping healthy on the road and much more.

The second showcases a number of ideal destinations for digital nomads, offering invaluable travel insights and information about the location in question, pros and cons, as well as inspirational tales from digital nomads out on the road. From the palm-fringed beaches of blissful Bali to the bright, neon-lights of dynamic Seoul, wannabe nomads will be inspired to make the move and start a whole new way of living.

Written by some of Lonely Planet’s very own nomadic experts, this book is packed with top tips, insights and real life tales on what it’s really like to be working on the road.

Chapters throughout include:
  • 10 perks of being a digital nomad
  • What jobs do digital nomads do?
  • 15 items every digital nomad should carry
  • 10 ways to overcome loneliness
  • Top destinations for digital nomads
  • Learning the lingo
Book Details
ISBN: 9781838690427
Writers: Lonely Planet
184 pages, 184pp color | Dimensions: 165mm × 210mm
Next edition due: Apr 2025
Lonely Planet