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Varekode: 9781788689441
Lonely Planet

Sustainable Escapes


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Klikk & Hent
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Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

En inspirasjonsbok med tips til noen av verdens mest miljøbevisste reiseopplevelser og steder! Engelsk språk.

This is Lonely Planet's guide to the world's best eco-friendly resorts and experiences. From eco-lodges with cutting-edge sustainability initiatives to tours designed to protect wildlife and empower communities, you'll discover remarkable places where you can feel good about spending your time and money.

There are nearly 180 escapes to choose from, organised across five themes: Nature, Relaxation, Culture, Urban and Learning, to make it easy for you to find your perfect getaway – from tracking rare black rhinos in Namibia to a high-end private island hideaway in Indonesia, or a remastered heritage hotel in Monaco to an innovative community tourism project in Cuba.

Each escape is labelled with the key sustainability features you can enjoy while staying at the hotel or participating on the tour-- whether it's wildlife spotting, sustainable dining, conservation opportunities, homestays, expert talks and more. We also tell you what makes each retreat so special, what you can do there, what's on its doorstep, and provide contact details to help you find out more or book a visit.

Featured experiences include:

  • Living with nomads and tending to their livestock in the wilds of rugged Mongolia
  • Fishing for and eating invasive lionfish species from Dominica, 'the nature island'
  • Protecting rare and elusive snow leopards from the breathtakingly beautiful peaks of Kyrgyzstan
  • Staying in a hotel cooled by waterfalls and lush vertical gardens in cutting-edge Singapore
  • Staying in an Egyptian eco-lodge that uses beeswax candles for power in lieu of electricity
  • Relaxing with yoga classes and rustling up locally-sourced produce in a sustainable eco-lodge on the shores of Lake Nicaragua

And much, much more.

Book Details
ISBN: 9781788689441
Writers: Lonely Planet
256 pages, 256pp color | Dimensions: 171mm × 216mm
Next edition due: Mar 2025

Lonely Planet