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Varekode: 9783899556537

Surf Odyssey - The Culture of Wave Riding


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Surf Odyssey er en inspirasjonsbok for surfing!

Språk: Engelsk

Beskrivelse fra forlaget

There’s much more to surfing than palm trees and beach boy clichés. Beyond mainstream surfing lies an uncharted sea of creativity, community, and independence that celebrates the true nature of surfing. Surf Odyssey depicts this contemporary surf culture: the adrenaline-rush of cold-water surfing, the daunting treks through the terrain of Africa balanced by the welcoming Temple of Enthusiasm in Bali, the quest to find nature in its purest form, and the reward of finding oneself. Stunning images from pioneering outdoor photographers and poignant portraits of movers and shakers within the scene narrate a tale of wave-riding that steps away from social norms and into aquatic swells of adventure. 

Revealing surfers to be multifaceted spirits, Surf Odyssey underlines the natural connections between environmental responsibility and the thrill of embracing an unbroken wall of water whilst showcasing the products and places that comprise this unique community.