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Varekode: 7350064221204

ShoeCare Leather Wax (100ml)


10+ på lager
Klikk & Hent
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Klikk & Hent - Lagerstatus for butikk

Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

Impregneringsfett til lærsko laget av 100% biobaserte, naturlige ingredienser.

ShoeCare Leather Wax is an effective, multifunctional water-repellent wax that moisturizes, protects, and polishes leather. It maintains the material’s breathability and extends its useful life. The wax nourishes the leather, but does not leave boot shafts or riding boots too soft. Eco-labelled with USDA Certified Biobased Product.


Suitable for all types of leather (not just shoes), such as leather bags, furniture, belts, etc. Also suitable for shoes with membranes. Remember that a matt leather like nubuck etc. will get more of a sheen if you wax it.


The product is 100% biobased and free of palm oil and paraffin. OrganoTex’s innovative products are inspired by nature’s own chemistry. 


Plant waxes, vegetable extracts, beeswax, and argan extract.
