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Varekode: 9783967040203

Epic Train Journeys


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Inspirasjonsbok for å reise med tog i hele verden.

Språk: Engelsk

Utgitt September 2021

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We’ve got a ticket to ride! When the journey is as important as the destination, traveling by train makes perfect sense. Take your seat and enjoy the view

Shortlisted in the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2022

Epic Train Journeys compiles the world’s most memorable rail routes, from luxurious locomotives to budget-friendly local rides, into an essential guide. Train travel has always been more than just getting from A to B. It is one of the only modes of transport that allows you to unwind in style, get lost in the breathtaking scenery whizzing outside, and dine on a rolling culinary adventure. A new generation of explorers are on board with the boundless possibilities of rail travel, with many favoring it as a more sustainable alternative to flying.


Train expert Monisha Rajesh presents 50 legendary routes inspired by her extensive voyages. This wondrous journey winds through mountainous terrains, tropical jungles, and occasionally places one wouldn't dare to venture. From local day-trips to cross-country connections that last for days on end, this is a showcase of everything from cheap seats to luxury locomotives. More than just route suggestions, Epic Train Journeys is your ticket to make the most of traveling by train. All aboard!