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Varekode: 7350064221167

BioCare Wool & Down Wash (500ml)


20+ på lager
Klikk & Hent
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Klikk & Hent - Lagerstatus for butikk

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Vaskemiddel som tar vare på ull- og dunklærne dine. Inneholder lanolin som hjelper med å vedlikeholde disse fiberne.

BioCare Wool & Down Wash is a delicate, bio-based detergent for wool and down. It contains lanolin, the natural wool fat, which restores the natural properties of wool and down. It also contains lemon eucalyptus oil which has an antibacterial function and gives a light, fresh scent. Down garments or down sleeping bags in nylon/ripstop, which are made of shinier materials, are not damaged and retain their shine. When water no longer beads off a down jacket, the garment can be retreated with OrganoTex Spray-On or Wash-In Waterproofing to improve water repellency.


Suitable for wool and down, as well as merino wool, mohair, silk, cashmere and similar sensitive materials.


The product is readily biodegradable, highly concentrated, highly biobased and PFAS-free. Classified as non-harmful to health or the environment in accordance with the CLP Regulation.


15–30% soap, 5–15% non-ionic surfactants, 1–5% anionic surfactants, <1% lanolin (wool grease), preservatives (2-phenoxyethanol), perfume (lemon eucalyptus essential oil).
