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Varekode: 888830321409

Yonder 25oz vannflaske (750ml)


Color: Clear
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Klikk & Hent
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Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

Praktisk vannflaske på 750ml som passer perfekt til lette reiser og til hverdagen!

  • Inkluderer 100% lekkasjefri Yonder™ Tether Cap
  • Laget i BPA-fri 50% resirkulert materiale (ekskludert korken)
  • 50% lettere enn YETI Rambler® Bottles
  • Kompatibel med alt Yonder™ tilbehør (selges separat)
External Dimensions 7.9W X 28.2H CM
Empty Weight 0.27 kg

If you can get there, now your water can too. The Yonder™ 750 ML / 25 oz Water Bottle was strategically engineered to be both lightweight and shatter resistant, allowing you to haul essential hydration further and higher. Plus, our water bottle is made of durable and safe BPA-free material featuring 50% recycled plastic. But a bottle is only as good as its cap, which is why the 100% leakproof Yonder™ Cap features our intuitive two-part system. Spin the top off when you need a drink from the controlled spout, twist off the bottom when you’re ready to refill or wash it.

Please note: Do not use this Yonder™ Bottle and Cap with hot, or carbonated beverages or use as storage for food or perishables. 50% recycled plastic excludes Yonder™ Cap. Learn more about product use and safety on our FAQ page. 50% recycled plastic excludes the Yonder™ Cap.
