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Varekode: 7350064221105

Wash-in Textile Waterproofing (500ml)


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Klikk & Hent
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Vaskemiddel som setter inn og bevarer plagg med vannavstøtende DWR-finish.

OrganoTex Wash-In Textile Waterproofing

  • Restores water and dirt repellent properties
  • Maintains the material’s breathability
  • Biobased, readily biodegradable, and PFAS-free
  • Eco-labelled with OEKO-TEX Eco Passport and USDA Certified Biobased Product


Waterproofing agent to restore or improve the water repellence on all sport and outdoor garments in polyester, polyamide, wool, down, or blends, such as waterproof rainwear, skiwear, sportswear, parkas, anoraks, softshells, hardshells, hiking pants, down jackets, windbreakers, workpants or textile gloves. Can also be used on sleeping bags, horse blankets, cushions and other outdoor textiles. Compatible with microporous membranes like Gore-Tex®. Maintains garment breathability, colour, and feel.


This product is based on nature’s own chemistry. It is free from fluorocarbons (PFC/PFAS), fossil-based polymers, or synthetic waxes. Just biobased and readily biodegradable according to OECD 301F.


Water, natural fatty acids, and surfactants. 
