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Varekode: 818373023089
Peak Design

Universal Adapter


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Gjør mobiltelefonen din kompatibel med blant annet Universal Bar Mount med denne magnetbrikken!

Brukes med Universal Bar Mount, eller en av de andre festeanordningene til Peak Design, som selges separat. Brukes i kombinasjon med festeanordningene på flere ulike måter. Bruker sterk magnetisme som holder den på plass. Eksempelvis med Universal Bar Mount: for å kunne ta video, bilder eller bruke telefonen som GPS på en sykkel.

Install this adhesive-backed adapter on the back of a 3rd party phone case to make nearly any phone compatible with Peak Design Mobile mounts and accessories. At just 2.5mm thick and wrapped in a beautiful weatherproof nylon canvas, the Universal Adapter is low-profile, aesthetically clean, and adheres with 3M VHB for an ultra-strong, ultra-durable connection. Like the Peak Design Everyday Case, the Universal Adapter has a brilliant magnetic/mechanical lock built right into it. We call this mounting technology SlimLink, and it's so fast and secure that it borders on magic. With this adapter on your 3rd party phone case, you can instantly connect to all Peak Design Mobile mounts and accessories. It even works with Apple MagSafe accessories, too.

Adheres to smooth, non-textured, non-porous case materials like hard plastic and metal. Not recommended for soft or rubbery surfaces like silicone or leather. Installing directly on your phone is not recommended. Wireless charging may not be possible or optimal with adapter installed. This adapter contains magnets that may interfere with stylus accessories like the Samsung S-Pen. Not designed for tablets or folding/flip phones.

Peak Design

Peak Design
