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Varekode: 7072330015354
Northern Playground

The Tank (Dame)


Color: Green
1 på lager
Klikk & Hent
Vennligst velg en butikk.
Velg butikk
Klikk & Hent - Lagerstatus for butikk

Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

En fin tanktopp i behagelig ull og silke som passer til like godt til varme sommerdager som til underlag på krispe høstdager!

A wool tank top is great for any situation: Summer climbing, fall hiking, playing on skis or as an undershirt at a fancy dinner.

72% organic wool and 28% silk
Made in Lithuania
Estimated footprint: 7-8,5 kg CO2
1 free repair

Tank tops are underestimated as a technical layer. On warmer days as a single layer it breathes like wearing nothing at all, without being completely naked to the elements. In colder climates the tank top works great as a next-to-skin layer, insulating your core and allowing better breathability and range of motion to your arms. A tank top is always a good choice.

Our tank top is designed to be used for everything. That way we can try to challenge the way we consume clothing, and encourage everyone to buy less clothes. The clothing we do buy should also be able to be worn on any occasion. So whether you're climbing, running, relaxing in front of the TV or on a fancy date, you don't need more than one tank in your closet.

Material: 72% GOTS certified organic merino wool and 28% silk
Product weight: 72g (women's M)
Material weight: 150 gr/m2
Micron: 17,3

Northern Playground