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Varekode: 9781788680974
Lonely Planet

Pocket Munich


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Lonely Planet’s Pocket Munich is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Witness luxury at Residenz, sample beer and celebrate at Oktoberfest and explore the 1972 Olympics site of Olympiapark; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Munich and make the most of your trip!

Covers Altstadt & the Residenz, Maxvorstadt, Schwabing & the Englischer Garten, Haidhausen & Lehel, Nymphenburg, BMW & Olympiapark and more.

ISBN: 9781788680974

Writers: Marc Di Duca

160 pages, 160pp color, 8 maps | Dimensions: 106mm × 153mm

Next edition due: Jul 2026

Lonely Planet