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Varekode: 7640144286293

Peak vannrensesugerør


Color: Mountain Blue
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Klikk & Hent
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Klikk & Hent - Lagerstatus for butikk

Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

Populært vannrensesugerør i ny utgave!

Drink directly from lakes, rivers, and streams or fill a container to use your straw water filter on the go with protection against bacteria, parasites, microplastics, silt, sand, and cloudiness

Enhanced microfilter performance helps to reduce clogging from sand and silt for better flow rate

Ultralight and durable, pack it anywhere for your backup hydration, emergency, or on-the-go needs

Unlimited shelf life means no need to worry about how long it’s been in your emergency go-bag unused

Highly versatile: Can also be attached to most water bottles and to standard gravity hoses with removable threaded bottom cap

Long-lasting membrane microfilter will last up to 4,000 L (1,000 gallons) of water, that’s enough drinking water for one for over 5 years 
