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Rough Guides

Panama Rough Guides reiseguide


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Panama er et fantastisk land. Bli inspirert til å oppleve Panama med reiseguide fra Rough Guides.

Utgitt 2017, engelsk utgave

Informasjon fra forlaget

Written in Rough Guides' trademark opinionated style, this travel guide offers insightful, first-hand accounts of Panama's top sights and local secrets, from the Panama Canal's new multi-billion-dollar expansion to partying in the Azuero Peninsula. With full colour pictures throughout, and up-to-date listings on hotels, restaurants, nightlife and shops across every price range, all of which are marked on our user-friendly maps, The Rough Guide to Panama is the ultimate guide to this dazzling Central American country. You may dream of lazing on a hammock on a white-sand beach, or itch to explore every corner of Panama City's casco viejo. You might want to scour every chapter in detail, or perhaps you're simply looking for fast-fix itineraries and cherry-picked highlights. Whether you're an armchair explorer or an adrenaline junkie, The Rough Guide to Panama won't let you down. Make the most of your trip with The Rough Guide to Panama.

Utgitt: November 2017
Utgave: 3
Engelsk utgave

Rough Guides