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Varekode: 5063260007580

NosiLife Tube Scarf II


Color: Black Pepper Marl
5+ på lager
Klikk & Hent
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Du har allerede en handlekurv med en aktiv butikk, er du sikker på at du vil bytte butikk?

Smart hals med NosiLife-myggimpregnering, som egner seg spesielt godt i varme strøk der man er utsatt for stikkemygg.

Pack a versatile performance piece that's just the job for hot-climate travel. This clever tube scarf with NosiLife anti-insect, anti-odour treatment is an easy-care choice for any walking trip. The built-in moisture control encourages day-long wicking for a cool, dry feel.


  • NOSILIFE: Our new and improved insect repellent & odour elimination treatment is built into our fabric and offers outstanding defence against biting insects. The renewable plant-based treatment lasts the lifetime of the garment.


We offer a range of anti-insect treatments to help defend you from biting insects


Fabric patches included to reduce odour in key areas

Moisture Control

Engineered fabrics to effectively move moisture away from the skin. Keeping you cool on the move and fresh in the most intense humidity.

Recycled Materials

Part made from recycling plastic bottles into polyester, reducing carbon emissions and landfill waste.