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Varekode: 5063260000598

NosiLife Adventure Gilet IV (Herre)

1 199,-

Spar 400,- 1 599,-
Color: Pebble

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Vær klar for neste safaritur med denne oppgraderte utgaven av favoritt-vesten Adventure Gilet, komplett med UV-beskyttelse og antimygg-impregnering som varer ut hele produktets levetid.

Prepare for your next adventure with this full-featured adventure performance gilet. The NosiLife construction is well suited to life on the trail, providing plant-based insect-repellent and effective UV-protective coverage with the minimum of care. A total of 12 practical pockets make this the ultimate in essential travel wear.
  • RFID & Zip'n'Clip security pocket
  • Dry bag
  • 12 pockets
  • UPF 50+ sun-protection
  • 565g


  • NOSILIFE: Our new and improved insect repellent & odour elimination treatment is built into our fabric and offers outstanding defence against biting insects. The renewable plant-based treatment lasts the lifetime of the garment.
  • SOLAR SHIELD: SolarShield fabric technology has been tried and tested to give you UPF40+ protection from harmful UV rays.