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Varekode: 5711747571856

Hilo Wash Bag toalettmappe


Color: Dune
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Klikk & Hent
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Weekend Wash Bag is a toiletry bag and the smallest design in the Weekend Bag series.

4.0 L (H 14 x W 26 x D 12 cm )

Weekend Wash Bag is a toiletry bag and the smallest design in the Weekend Bag series. The waterproof design is characterized by its minimal silhouette accented by side mounted buckles. The buckles can be adjusted to compress the design. The feature keeps contents in place, while helping to make the best use of luggage space. Weekend Wash Bag features a roomy main compartment with ample room for daily wash and grooming items.

Weekend Wash Bag is cut in Rains’ signature waterproof PU fabric, engineered for carrying strength, durability, and a smooth feel.

  • Waterproof
Material:100% polyester with polyurethane coating
Waterproof rating:W3 – Waterproof protection from light rain
Water column pressure:8000mm
Measurements:H14 x W26 x D12cm / H5.5 x W10.2 x D4.7 inches
Volume:4 liters / 1.2 gallons


  • Coated tonal zip closure
  • Single main compartment
  • Side mounted adjustable buckles

RAINS er et merke som lager regntette klær, sekker og tilbehør som holder høy slitesterk kvalitet og regndråpene unna!
