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Varekode: 9781789194494
Rough Guides

Guatemala Rough Guides reiseguide


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Reis til Guatemala med reiseguiden fra Rough Guides. Bli inspirert til hva du bør se og gjøre.

Utgitt 2019, engelsk utgave.

Informasjon fra forlaget

Discover Guatemala with this comprehensive, entertaining, ‘tell it like it is’ Rough Guide, packed with comprehensive practical information and our experts’ honest and independent recommendations.

Whether you plan to explore the Mayan ruins of Tikal, visit colonial Antigua or climb Volcán de Pacaya The Rough Guide to Guatemala will help you discover the best places to explore, sleep, eat, drink and shop along the way.

Features of The Rough Guide to Guatemala:
– Detailed regional coverage: provides in-depth practical information for each step of all kinds of trip, from intrepid off-the-beaten-track adventures, to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas. Regions covered include: Guatemala City, Antigua and around, the western highlands, the Pacific coast, the Oriente and Izabal, Cobán and the Verapaces, Petén and Into Honduras: Copán and around
– Honest independent reviews: written with Rough Guides’ trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, and recommendations you can truly trust, our writers will help you get the most from your trip to Guatemala
– Meticulous mapping: always full-colour, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Find your way around Guatemala City, the western highlands and many more locations without needing to get online
– Fabulous full-colour photography: features a richness of inspirational colour photography, including captivating Lago de Atitlán and the vast Mirador basin
– Things not to miss: Rough Guides’ rundown of Guatemala’s best sights and top experiences
– Itineraries: carefully planned routes will help you organise your trip, and inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences
– Basics section: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting there, getting around, accommodation, food and drink, health, the media, festivals, sports and outdoor activities, culture and etiquette, shopping and more
– Background information: comprehensive Contexts chapter provides fascinating insights into Guatemala, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary

Rough Guides