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Varekode: 7350064221129

BioCare Sports Textile Wash (500ml)


10+ på lager
Klikk & Hent
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Vaskemiddel som bevarer DWR-finishen til plagget ditt lengre. Laget spesielt for sportstekstiler.

Bio Care Sport Textile Wash is a gentle, biodegradable detergent for use with functional materials. The detergent maintains the factory-applied treatment longer (termed Durable Water Repellent, DWR) and leaves no residue that impairs a garment’s breathability or water-repellent function. If necessary, when the DWR has been washed out or worn away and water no longer beads on the outer fabric, re-waterproofing with OrganoTex® Wash-In or Spray-On is recommended. Taking good care of your functional garments makes them last longer.


Suitable for shell garments, padded ski clothing, rain clothing, synthetic outerwear, fleece clothing, backpacks, etc. Also works in cold water and is therefore ideal for mountain hikes.


The product is readily biodegradable, highly concentrated, highly biobased and PFAS-free. It is classified as not harmful to the environment or health according to CLP regulations.


15–30% soap, 5–15% non-ionic surfactants, 1–5% anionic surfactants, <1% preservatives, (2-phenoxyethanol), enzymes.
