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Varekode: 9780241270349
Rough Guides

Berlin reiseguide


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Thoroughly researched and updated, the eleventh edition of The Rough Guide to Berlin is the ultimate travel guide to one of Europe's most dynamic, restless and ever-changing cities. Blending stunning photography with full-colour maps and more listings and information than ever before, The Rough Guide to Berlin offers practical advice on all the best things to see and do in Berlin - from iconic sights such as the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate and the world-class museums of Museum Island to expanded coverage of the latest places to go in up-and-coming neighbourhoods like Neukölln and Wedding. With comprehensive, reliable reviews of all the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops, galleries and restaurants for all budgets, plus itineraries and Top 5s and a wealth of background information, The Rough Guide to Berlin is all you need - whether planning or on the ground - to make the most of your trip.

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